Donald Trump Has A Record To Run On, For The First Time

( The Washington Post believes that in 2016 Donald Trump’s primary campaign was a breeze because he was a long shot, and nobody had any high hopes for him. Trump could portray himself as both a moderate and a conservative, an insider and an outsider.

Trump’s statements and actions in 2024 can’t be written off as random thoughts, and Republican leaders cannot superimpose their ideals onto him.   Trump is easily the most unordinary politician in U.S. history.

WaPo believes the Republican Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis,  is a contender for 2024, but he has not made an official declaration of candidacy. DeSantis has been aggressive in shaping his political identity, embracing more conservative stances in a bid to broaden his support base.

According to reports, there was an immediate and widespread backlash when North Carolina passed legislation requiring the use of toilets consistent with a person’s identified gender at birth. Some companies even threatened to relocate out of state in protest.

Interviewed on the “Today” program, Trump just shrugged it off when asked about the bill.

When asked if Trump would allow Caitlyn Jenner to use his preferred bathroom at Trump Tower, Trump said it wouldn’t be an issue.

The Washington Post argues that Trump’s record doesn’t always align with the GOP’s but suggests this may not be an issue. But DeSantis’s hasty attempts to win support via viral tweets may backfire and put him in a bad position.

According to Breitbart, as Trump campaigned for president in 2016, his opponents claimed he would start a nuclear war, bring down the stock market so severely it would never recover, and behave like Adolf Hitler. On the contrary, none of it happened.

Reports reveal President Trump’s first term has been one of the most significant in American history. Trump defended the United States of America, its history, heroes, law enforcement, and the Constitution against extremist elements bent on its destruction.