A Scottish man says he has captured a UFO on camera. Gary Wishart, from Edinburgh, said he saw the strange craft near the city’s airport and at first assumed it was a plane. However, he subsequently realized it was “unusual” and went to grab his camera. Edinburgh media published his photo, which shows a shiny, bright silver cylindrical object high above the clouds but clearly visible in broad daylight.
The photographer explained to reporters that he immediately called his partner Carolyn to come and look at the object to ensure it was not his “imagination playing tricks.” He added that he was not surprised to see an aircraft he could not explain because he had been looking for aerial phenomena for a long time.
The new report comes just weeks after another Scottish man, Gordon Mackerracher, described an experience he had kept secret for decades. He recounted seeing a brown cylindrical structure 100 feet above his head in 1974 when he was just 17 years old. Despite his young age, Mackerracher had the presence of mind to contact air traffic control at Edinburgh Airport, who told him that there were no flights in that area.
Scotland has among the highest rates of reported UFO sightings in the world. The Bonnybridge Triangle, for example, averages around 300 incidents per year. Located near Bonnybridge, with a population of roughly 6,000, the area holds the distinction of the highest number of UFO encounters ever reported. One of the more famous tales to emerge involved a group of three cleaners on their way to work, who claimed to have seen five unidentifiable aircraft in the sky.
When the cleaners arrived and described what they had seen, they were stunned to learn how many of their colleagues had similar experiences. Several reported seeing strange lights and bright orange orbs in the region, with some insisting they had witnessed the phenomenon in the preceding days and weeks.
In another famous tale, Robert Taylor stunned police in the 1970s when he showed physical evidence that an unknown aircraft had pulled him along the ground. Police found marks matching Mr. Taylor’s story, but could not explain how they got there.