The state of Texas experienced the most increase in population last year, with 473,000 new residents.
The influx of people of all colors and ethnicities into Texas’s population is just one more example of how everything is more significant in Texas.
In terms of the number of new Asian, Hispanic, and Black citizens in 2023, the Lone Star State topped all other states. According to the latest population estimates provided by the US Census Bureau on Thursday, Houston had the most significant increase in Hispanic people, while Dallas had the most increases in Asian and Black inhabitants.
Xiuhong “Helen” You, senior demographer and associate director of the Texas Demographic Center, said Texas is adding more people, and that would include all various sorts of individuals and greater diversity, regardless of whether they’re individuals seeking employment opportunities or those starting families and searching for affordable housing.
The United States population grew last year, with Hispanic inhabitants driving the expansion, making up about 75% of the total increase, according to the projections of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the years 2022 and 2023.
According to the figures provided by the census, the number of Hispanics in the country reached 65.2 million last year, accounting for about one-fifth of the entire U.S. population. This growth was driven by an increase of over 1.6 million inhabitants overall, with an additional 1.2 million persons joining the Hispanic community.
The only racial or ethnic group in the United States to have a decline from one year to the next, with 461,000 persons losing their lives, was the biggest, non-Hispanic white people, who make up 58% of the population. Without immigration, its population would have shrunk much more. The median age of this population is 43.2, making it the oldest. Among the states, South Carolina had the most significant increase in non-Hispanic white inhabitants.