Half Of Americans Report Using Bathroom As “Escape” Location

(NewsGlobal.com)- A poll conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Masonite found that more than half of Americans are using the bathroom as their escape location, according to Newsmax. 51% of Americans are reportedly escaping to sit on the toilet for peace and quiet, regardless of whether or not they have to use it.

Surveying 2,000 respondents, OnePoll reports that the more people who are in a household the more frequently this occurs. Parents with children still living at home make up 62% of adults that seek respite in their bathrooms from household noise. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 are reportedly the loudest members of the household (61%) compared to teenagers (36%) and adults (23%).

The average respondent was found to need between four and five hours of private time per day to feel their best. 77% of respondents still needed that private time even if they were hosting an event with friends or family. Nearly 81% say that it’s important to create that private time or space within one’s home.

Alone time is also vital to maintain peace. Two in three (63%) respondents said that sound can be heard throughout the entire home, with 50% saying they hear noises when on a phone call. Most of these noises come from TVs and sound systems (70%), appliances (64%), and other members of the household talking or moving around (63%).

“When families are working, resting, learning and playing together at home, it can be chaotic,” Jennifer Renaud, Chief Marketing Officer of Masonite, said in a statement, noting the importance of creating private time and a space that everyone desires.

The stats illuminate the reason so many seek refuge on their toilets. 26% always close the bathroom door behind them no matter what they are doing, the study showed. But nine in ten (90%) of respondents said they were still worried about concealing the sounds they made in the bathroom, either choosing to pretend an “embarrassing sound” never happened or playing music to drown it out.