About News Global
We’re glad you’re here at News Global. If you’re looking for objective news coverage rooted in fact, then you’re in the right place. We focus on reporting important current events and American political news, plus impactful stories from around the globe. Readers who value fair coverage and respect all points of view are welcome here. Our team believes that every American deserves access to neutral news coverage that delivers the facts and doesn’t try to sway opinions one way or another. So if you’re a reader who values that kind of fairness in your news coverage, know that we aim to report with integrity.
A Dedicated News Team
Our dedicated news team knows how to scour the latest news and draw out headlines that concern the average citizen. Each week, we research hundreds of news topics, placing emphasis on the stories that matter most. Then, we deliver those reports via email, straight to subscribers’ inboxes. No matter where our readers are, they can simply open their email on mobile or desktop, then have a quick look at the most critical stories of the moment. Checking the news, then getting on with your day, has never been simpler. And, we aim to make it even easier, since the news we deliver is written in such a way that you can quickly skim a story, and come away understanding what’s going on in the world without a fuss. We value neutral news and fair reports. And if you’re here on our site, we think you probably do, too. As a general rule, we aim to stay objective and factual, delivering news that’s rooted in integrity.
Coverage That’s Fair and Simple
News Global dedicates itself mainly to reporting on current events in the US, in addition to politics and economic coverage. At times, we also cover global stories that impact our nation and the world at large. If you’re looking for stories with both national and international impact, as well as reports that keep you up to date on political and economic happenings, then you have come to the right place. Looking for stories that cover important, top-of-mind issues in the US? What about coverage on our elected officials or laws that affect the average American? Want news from abroad that affects interests here in the US? You’ll see a broad range of topics just like this here at News Global. If you’re wondering what kind of coverage you can expect from us when you subscribe, let’s take a look.
Breaking News
Breaking News reports cover powerful, day-to-day headlines so you can get a quick picture of the news that’s unfolding, then continue your daily routine. These hard-hitting stories are brief to read and easy to grasp so you don’t have to waste time sidestepping bias to find truth. We craft our reports so that you can get the high points without a fuss. It’s empowering to have confidence that you know what’s unfolding in our world, so we aim to deliver the stories you want to see.
360 Review
Our 360 Review reports are further contextualized news stories that expand on current issues and cover longer-term stories. If a report demands a broader range of information than is appropriate for our short Breaking News pieces, then you might find it here. These articles are delivered to your inbox on a regular basis when you subscribe, so be on the lookout for our coverage.