Nearly Half of Voters Think Biden Took Foreign Money

Recent polling reveals a majority of American voters, including a significant portion of Democrats, believe President Joe Biden has received bribes and payments from foreign sources.

In a survey conducted this month by Issues & Insights, Americans support the accusations against the president and his family by more than two-to-one. Of those polled, 56 percent considered the bribery allegations “likely” true, while only 27 percent deemed them “unlikely.”

Interestingly, within the Democratic Party, 39 percent of respondents found the accusations to be likely, while 42 percent considered them unlikely.

The pollsters’ analysis highlighted that among the 36 demographic and political categories examined, only two categories, namely Democrats and liberals, did not have a majority or plurality stating that Biden is likely guilty.

These findings emerge in light of previous reports that have surfaced over the past few months, outlining allegations of Biden and his family, particularly his son Hunter Biden, accepting money from foreign entities, including those in China, Ukraine, and Romania.

Last month, text messages came to light in which Hunter Biden mentioned his father while pressuring a Chinese person in business to fulfill a payment. In the 2017 exchange with Henry Zhao, an official connected to CEFC China Energy, the energy company linked to Chinese military intelligence. Hunter Biden conveyed a threat that his father was nearby and that Hunter requested the Chairman or Zhao respond to their directions or face the consequences. 

President Biden vehemently denied having any knowledge of the texts. In late June, when asked by a reporter if he was with his son when the threat was sent, Biden responded with a shout, “No, I wasn’t!” However, the Washington Free Beacon discovered photos on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, placing him at his father’s house when the messages were sent.

In June, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax crimes, which will likely spare him from imprisonment. This plea deal ends a five-year investigation into Biden’s taxes by the Justice Department.

A whistleblower with the IRS alleged that the Justice Department protected Hunter Biden by undermining the tax investigation and shielding his father from any involvement. Gary Shapley, the whistleblower, stated investigators weren’t allowed to take specific steps that could have provided an evidence path to President Biden. We needed to take them, but we were deterred.

House Republicans investigating the Biden family’s foreign business dealings have declared that the plea deal between Hunter Biden and the Department of Justice will not impact their ongoing probe.